It is possible to receive Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology as a PDF with full color graphics (when provided by the author) instead of a paper copy. The PDF will be emailed to the members who select it when the paper copy is sent to the printer. This means you will receive the PDF about six weeks before the print copy is available. Print copies will be snail mailed to members who select that option. If no valid snail mail address is provided, the default is to use the provided email address. Contact the membership secretary John Mullen

Keep your membership current to stay informed about upcoming conferences and reports on recent archaeological work in the Mid-Atlantic! Remember to send us a change of address when you move. Just e-mail the information to John Mullen membership secretary.

If Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology is not received because you failed to notify MAAC of a change of address, replacement will be made without charge by emailing you a complete color version PDF of the missed volume. Lost or damaged issues will be replaced with a paper copy (if available), otherwise a color PDF will be emailed.

Membership is by calendar year, with four categories of membership:

Individual, at $40.00 per year: provides announcements about the annual conference, the right to give a paper at the conference, a vote at the business meeting, and the Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology for that year.

Institutional, at $40.00 per year: provides announcements about the annual conference and the Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology for that year.

Joint, at $50.00 per year: provides announcements about the annual conference, the right for either or both to give a paper at the conference, two votes at the business meeting, and one copy of the Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology for that year.

Student, at $30.00 per year: with a photocopy of your student ID, provides all the benefits of individual membership at a discounted rate.

Canadian membership for each category requires an additional $15.00 US

All other Foreign membership for each category requires an additional $20.00 US postal charge.

2024-2025 Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference

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